ThetaHealing & Breathwork - my unique approach


The Theta Healing technique was developed in the 1990s by an amazing and gifted healer Vianna Stibal.

Its a process of meditation that will allow you to quickly identify limiting belief systems, dissolve deeply held blocks and reprogram the unconscious mind. During this state you have easy access to the content of your subconscious mind and can discover your unlimited potential for health, wealth and happiness with an immediate, life-changing transformations by accessing the Divine via connection to the theta state.

Typical ThetaHealing session usually involves the certified practitioner to ask a range of question to find the root cause of the problem, however when combining with Breathwork this becomes a highly effective tool to transmute your heart's and mind's limitations into empowering beliefs and emotions. During the ThetaHealing Breath session I will guide you directly into the Theta State while doing breathwork where you will experience the connection to the divine within your body and be able to move through your own blocks into abundance and inspired action to create.

My ThetaHealing 9d Breathwork is coming soon.


9d Breathwork - New generation of Breathwork